Results for 'Marcos Fidel Barrera Morales Barrera Morales'

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  1.  10
    Epistemological analysis of the work social mechanics or theory of human movement, considered in its nature, its effects and its causes, of José Eusebio Caro.Marcos Fidel Barrera Morales Barrera Morales & José Luis Da Silva - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (130):118-143.
    Las ideas expuestas por José Eusebio Caro en su obra inconclusa intitulada Mecánica social o Teoría del movimiento humano, considerado en su naturaleza, en sus efectos y en sus causas, en 1836, recoge aspectos característicos del pensamiento de las primeras décadas del Siglo XIX, con raíces algunas de ellas en ápocas anteriores. La riqueza intelectual de la obra en mención indujo la investigación analítica, de la cual da cuenta este documento, según la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuáles son los rasgos (...)
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  2. God and the Evil of Scarcity: Moral Foundations of Economic Agency.Albino Barrera O. P. - 2005 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    In his celebrated_ Essay on Population_, Thomas Malthus raised the puzzle of why a benevolent Creator would permit material scarcity in human existence. Albino Barrera revisits this question using Thomas Aquinas’s metaphysics of participation and Sacred Scripture’s invitation to covenant fidelity and kingdom discipleship as analytical lenses with which to examine the seeming incongruity of scarcity in God’s providence. Barrera concludes that scarcity turns out to be a signal opportunity for economic agency to receive, internalize, and communicate God’s (...)
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    (1 other version)Autoethnography and colonial imagining in Indo-American art: Mapuches decolonizing narratives.Mabel Egle García Barrera - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:69-87.
    Resumen Esta investigación aborda el “texto autoetnográfico” entendido como una indagación epistémica que realiza un sujeto respecto de procesos vitales que busca dar sentido. Estos textos se caracterizan por integrar diferentes voces o puntos de vista que crean y representan un significado moral y, que, en el marco de una perspectiva pos/decolonial, actúan combinando o infiltrando elementos y conceptos indígenas para crear autorrepresentaciones destinadas a intervenir en los modos metropolitanos de comprensión y representación del “otro”.Desde este punto de vista, este (...)
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    Uso de los blogs políticos: análisis de algunos factores determinantes.Stefano De Marco & José Manuel Robles Morales - 2012 - Arbor 188 (756):689-705.
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    (1 other version)Metalogue as a transdisciplinary collaboration tool.Anahí Urquiza, Catalina Amigo, Marco Billi, Guilherme Brandão & Bárbara Morales - 2018 - Cinta de Moebio 62:182-198.
    Resumen: La sociedad requiere de forma creciente la realización efectiva de instancias participativas dirigidas a fomentar la colaboración entre distintos ámbitos organizacionales, disciplinarios y socio-culturales. Los desafíos intrínsecos a este tipo de instancias requieren el desarrollo de metodologías que permitan insertar reflexividad dentro del ámbito dialógico y orientar el mismo hacia la creación de “boundary objects” que pueda servir de referente entre las distintas perspectivas involucradas, constituyéndose en un facilitador para la colaboración futura. Para responder a estas necesidades, el artículo (...)
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    Ce que la défaite n’a pas emporté.Bárbara Barrera Morales - 2023 - Multitudes 91 (2):228-232.
    Si l’« explosion sociale » chilienne a rassemblé une série de mouvements sociaux, il est certain que les féminismes ont joué un rôle fondamental dans l’établissement de revendications contre les abus, les inégalités et la précarité de la vie. Malgré l’échec du rejet de la nouvelle Constitution, cet article approfondit deux normes minimales historiques que les féministes ont réussi à établir au niveau institutionnel et social : la parité dans la participation politique et la condamnation généralisée de la violence à (...)
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    Archaeometallurgical record as tool to preserve architectural heritage information in Malaga, Spain.Marco Hernández-Escampa, Daniel Barrera-Fernández, Carmina Menchaca-Campos & Jorge Uruchurtu-Chavarín - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-16.
    This work approaches views on the preservation of industrial housing heritage in Malaga, Spain, and the pressure caused by its recent urban renovation. The aims of the research include geographic space analysis and assessing how archaeological recording and archaeometry, specifically archaeometallurgy, can contribute to the preservation of information about structures and materials that continuously disappear from urban contexts. The results constitute an initial beginning to expand a comparative archaeological database for the city. The ideas and procedures presented here are expected (...)
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    The Investigator: Modellers and Analysts.Raphaëlle Lesage, Axel Loewe, Enrique Morales-Orcajo & Marco Viceconti - 2024 - In Marco Viceconti & Luca Emili (eds.), Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 115-122.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Introduction.Marco Viceconti, Liesbet Geris, Luca Emili, Axel Loewe, Bernard Staumont, Enrique Morales-Orcajo, Marc Horner, Martha De Cunha Maluf-Burgman & Raphaëlle Lesage - 2024 - In Marco Viceconti & Luca Emili (eds.), Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 1-8.
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    Constitución Fenomenológica de la Tierra Baldía de T. S. Eliot Como Objeto Estético.Emilio Morales de la Barrera - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (2):61.
    En este estudio intentamos aportar una clarificación sobre la constitución del objeto estético a partir de un análisis de dicho objeto en general (basado en las investigaciones fenomenológicas de R. Ingarden). Luego, indagamos cómo ocurre esta constitución en el caso concreto de La Tierra Baldía con toda su riqueza poética y sus valores estéticos. Particularmente, investigamos cómo es dado concretamente a nuestra conciencia el fenómeno estético de esta obra de arte literaria.
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  12. La solidaridad: determinación firme en empeñarse por el bien común.Emilio Morales de la Barrera - 2009 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 36:75-86.
    En este paper examinamos la idea de la solidaridad como aquella actitud que consiste en la determinación firme en empeñarse por el bien común. Para lograr nuestro cometido analizamos el camino de profundización en los conceptos de solidaridad y bien común que la tradición fenomenológica nos muestra. En este caso particular analizamos a Karol Wojtyla �y en un cierto sentido a Juan Pablo II, quien, no obstante, en cuanto pontífice habla desde otra sede, la de Pedro�. Sin embargo, pensamos que (...)
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  13.  45
    Market complicity and Christian ethics.Albino Barrera - 2011 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The marketplace is a remarkable social institution that has greatly extended our reach so shoppers in the West can now buy fresh-cut flowers, vegetables, and tropical fruits grown halfway across the globe even in the depths of winter. However, these expanded choices have also come with considerable moral responsibilities as our economic decisions can have far-reaching effects by either ennobling or debasing human lives. Albino Barrera examines our own moral responsibilities for the distant harms of our market transactions from (...)
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    A Case for Incorporating Moral Philosophy in an Economics Curriculum.Albino F. Barrera - 2003 - Teaching Ethics 3 (2):41-58.
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    La corte interamericana de derechos humanos y la reparación integral a las víctimas, en el marco del conflicto armado en Colombia.Luis Fernando Barrera - 2017 - Ratio Juris 12 (25):69-88.
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    Feeling bad about mass murders: what does it tell us about moral psychology and emotion?Marco Viola - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Munch-Jurisic’s book thoroughly describes several cases of severe distresses reported and expressed by perpetrators of tremendous acts such as mass murders. Arguing against a simplistic reading according to which these signs of distress are straightforward manifestations of some innate moral nature, and against the optimistic reading according to which they will lead to prosocial behaviors, Munch-Jursic offers compelling reasons to adopt a more complex theory of emotion. In this commentary, I aim to stress the implications of her book for the (...)
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  17.  42
    Moral Enhancement Frameworks and Narrative Identity.Marcos Alonso - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2):112-114.
    “Virtue theory for moral enhancement” is a solid article with a valuable proposal. In general, it succeeds in presenting virtue theory as the best framework for moral enhancement. I agree with the...
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    Richard Mervyn Hare, Essays on Political Morality.Jorge Martinez-Barrera - 1990 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 88 (80):636-637.
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    Formação Moral, Florescimento Humano e Público Educado. A Educação na Teoria Moral de MacIntyre.Marcos Rohling - 2018 - Educação E Filosofia 32 (66).
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  20. The Misfortunes of Moral Enhancement.Marco Antonio Azevedo - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (5):461-479.
    In Unfit for the Future, Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu present a sophisticated argument in defense of the imperative of moral enhancement. They claim that without moral enhancement, the future of humanity is seriously compromised. The possibility of ultimate harm, caused by a dreadful terrorist attack or by a final unpreventable escalation of the present environmental crisis aggravated by the availability of cognitive enhancement, makes moral enhancement a top priority. It may be considered optimistic to think that our present moral (...)
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  21.  6
    Die Moral von der Geschicht'...: Ethik und Erzählung in Medizin und Pflege.Marco Hofheinz & Michael Coors (eds.) - 2016 - Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt.
    Narratives are ever-present in medicine and care: patients, relatives, doctors, nurses and pastoral workers tell quite different stories. The present volume examines the question of the significance of narratives for the ethical judgement in medicine and care and illustrates what theological reflection can contribute to the current discussion about the ethics of medicine and care. The focus of the volume is on the theological discussion on the ethical issues of medicine and care which is enriched by contributions from literary studies, (...)
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  22.  27
    Moral Psychology and Human Action in Aristotle.Marco Zigano - 2012 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 6 (1):1 - 14.
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    Moral standards in managerial decisions: In search of a comprehensive theoretical framework.Marcos Luís Procópio - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (2):261-274.
    Although ethical decision‐making theory has evolved over the years, within the field of management, research still revolves around James Rest’s (1986) four‐step framework, dominated by a positivist epistemology and a quantitative methodology. Given that currently there is a call for a theoretical, epistemological, and methodological renovation for the enlargement and enrichment of knowledge about how decisions are morally made in organizations, this paper has a double aim. First, by showing the models’ main flaws and limitations, it critically assesses the prominent (...)
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    O particularismo moral e a ética Aristotélica.Marco Zingano - 2012 - Dissertatio 36:221-252.
    Este artigo pretende examinar questões centrais no particularismo moral de Jonathan Dancy a partir de uma comparação de suas principais teses com a ética aristotélica. Embora Dancy não reivindique uma linhagem aristotélica, será argumentado que tal comparação pode ser esclarecedora para o particularismo moral, bem com o para a ética aristotélica, especialmente no que concerne às regras que parecem não admitir qualquer exceção, como a proibição moral de agir com crueldade, ou o assassinato.
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  25. Morale, etica, politica. Sulla svolta neo-hegeliana della teoria critica tedesca.Marco Solinas - 2018 - Teoria Politica:364-383.
    The paper aims to clarify the interpretation of Kantian morality and Hegelian ethical life given by Honneth and Habermas; it try in particularly to explain the several meanings and forms of Honneth’s relaunch of Hegel’s conception of Sitt- lichkeit. The Author aims at the same time to show some structural limits of this neo-Hegelian ethical perspective from a political point of view, also in relation to the concept of «immanent critique» adopted by Honneth, and differentiated by him from the concept (...)
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    El Comentario de Santo Tomás a la Política de Aristóteles: un análisis desde el Prooemium.Jorge Martínez Barrera - 2006 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 51 (3):15-49.
    Os prólogos dos comentários de Tomás de Aquino às obras de Aristóteles são de suma importância, porque neles o autor apresenta o que se poderia denominar “o marco conceptual” do trabalho que está empreendendo. No caso do Comentário à Política, o conceito fundamental é o conceito de natureza. A afirmação de que existe uma “imitação da natureza” significa, para Tomás, muito mais do que representou para seus antecessores. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Tomás de Aquino. Comentário. Política. Natureza. Imitação. ABSTRACT The prologs of (...)
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    Representaciones sociales del asociativismo municipal en educación: un marco conceptual para la educación chilena.María Soledad Erazo Jimenez, Marco Villalta Páucar & Marcelo Morales Jeldes - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    En el presente artículo se analiza las posibilidades de la teoría de las Representaciones Sociales (RS) para, desde la perspectiva de los sujetos, analizar los elementos cognitivos implicados y socialmente construidos que sustentan las acciones de gestión micro y macro institucional, y de coordinación entre varias municipalidades de un mismo territorio, lo que la literatura de gestión denomina trabajo asociativo o asociativismo. Interesan específicamente las representaciones sociales de la asociatividad en el tema educativo, desde actores político-administrativos y profesionales implicados en (...)
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    Storia della filosofia morale.Marco Ivaldo - 2006 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
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  29. Moral Peer Disagreement and the Limits of Higher-Order Evidence.Marco Tiozzo - 2019 - In Michael Klenk (ed.), Higher Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    Abstract. This paper argues that the “Argument from Moral Peer Disagreement” fails to make a case for widespread moral skepticism. The main reason for this is that the argument rests on a too strong assumption about the normative significance of peer disagreement (and higher-order evidence more generally). In order to demonstrate this, I distinguish two competing ways in which one might explain higher-order defeat. According to what I call the “Objective Defeat Explanation” it is the mere possession of higher-order evidence (...)
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    Brain Interventions, Moral Responsibility, and Control over One’s Mental Life.Gabriel De Marco - 2019 - Neuroethics 12 (3):221-229.
    In the theoretical literature on moral responsibility, one sometimes comes across cases of manipulated agents. In cases of this type, the agent is a victim of wholesale manipulation, involving the implantation of various pro-attitudes (desires, values, etc.) along with the deletion of competing pro-attitudes. As a result of this manipulation, the agent ends up performing some action unlike any that she would have performed were it not for the manipulation. These sorts of cases are sometimes thought to motivate historical views (...)
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    The complexity of partition tasks.Fernando Eesponda, Matías Vera-Cruz, Jorge Tarrasó & Marco Morales - 2010 - Complexity 16 (1):56-64.
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    Moral Consilience.Miguel Capó, Marcos Nadal & Camilo J. Cela-Conde - 2006 - Biological Theory 1 (2):133-135.
  33. De la persona moral a la persona civil: una contribución al republicanismo desde una perspectiva kantiana.Maximiliano Hernández Marcos - 2004 - Diálogo Filosófico 59:295-322.
    En el debate actual sobre ciudadanía democrática el republicanismo plantea complementar los procedimientos formales del sistema representativo vigente con la posesión de ciertos valores cívicos' por parte de los individuos. Este trabajo pretende mostrar a este respecto la utilidad para el presente, así como las limitaciones históricas de la concepción kantiana de ciudadanía política. Con este fin ofrece un análisis filosófico de la noción kantiana de "personalidad civil" retrotrayéndola a su fundamentación crítica en la idea de "personalidad moral", y sugiere (...)
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    Karma-yoga como ação moral ideal na Bhagavad-gita à luz da criteriologia künguiana. [REVIEW]Marco Antonio Lara - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (42):657-659.
    Dissertação de Mestrado LARA, Marco Antonio de. Karma-yoga como ação moral ideal na Bhagavad-gita à luz da criteriologia künguiana. 2016. Dissertação, Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte.
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    Procreer hors la loi: loi civile, loi morale et loi canonique face à la nouvelle procreation.Marco Ventura - 1994 - Strasbourg: Cerdic-Publications.
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    Model Development.Alexander Kulesza, Axel Loewe, Andrea Stenti, Chiara Nicolò, Enrique Morales-Orcajo, Eulalie Courcelles, Fianne Sips, Francesco Pappalardo, Giulia Russo, Marc Horner, Marco Viceconti, Martha De Cunha Maluf-Burgman, Raphaëlle Lesage & Steve Kreuzer - forthcoming - Toward Good Simulation Practice: Best Practices for the Use of Computational Modelling and Simulation in the Regulatory Process of Biomedical Products:25-42.
    Good Simulation Practice implies that a computational model considered for a simulation task has also been developed according to good practice.
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    Compassion-justice conflicts and Christian ethics.Albino Barrera - 2023 - Cambridge, United Kingdom New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Conflicting demands of love and justice are among the most vexing problems of social philosophy, moral theology, and public policy. They often have life-and-death consequences for millions. This book examines how and why love-justice conflicts arise to begin with and what we can do to reconcile their competing claims.
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    The Evolution of Social Ethics: Using Economic History to Understand Economic Ethics.Albino Barrera - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (2):285 - 304.
    In the development of Roman Catholic social thought from the teachings of the scholastics to the modern social encyclicals, changes in normative economics reflect the transformation of an economic terrain from its feudal roots to the modern industrial economy. The preeminence accorded by the modern market to the allocative over the distributive function of price broke the convenient convergence of commutative and distributive justice in scholastic just price theory. Furthermore, the loss of custom, law, and usage in defining the boundaries (...)
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    Era o Alienista Um Alienado?: A Dissolução Do Limite Entre a Loucura e a Sanidade Na Obra o Alienista de Machado de Assis a Partir da Perspectiva Nietzschiana Sobre a Moral.Marco Antonio Sabatini Ribeiro - 2014 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 6 (11):60-70.
    Analisarei o método científico da personagem Simão Bacamarte do livro O Alienista de Machado de Assis a partir do pensamento de Nietzsche sobre a moral. Percebo que os estudos comportamentais do protagonista da obra machadiana são semelhantes durante o desenrolar de toda sua história: o que se modifica gradualmente é a intensidade classificatória entre o “certo” e o “errado” através da relativização e do detalhamento dos costumes do louco e do são. Os estudos psicológicos de Bacamarte se baseiam em suas (...)
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    Die Autonomie des,souveränen Individuums‘ in Nietzsches Genealogie der Moral.Marco Brusotti - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):26-48.
    The second essay of Nietzsche’s Genealogy of Morals introduces the ‘sovereign individual’ as ‘responsible’, ‘autonomous’ and ‘free’. Does this affirmative use of moral terminology reveal an unexpected affinity between Nietzsche’s thought and philosophical modernity? In the last decades, this issue has been at the heart of a vast and controversial debate. My analysis shows that, rather than throwing light on Nietzsche’s general position, the specific use of Kantian terms in this passage of GM is due to a polemical intention. Implicitly, (...)
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    Ut transeant liberati. Ordo animae and Moral Transformation in Albert the Great’s Ethics.Marco Vorcelli - 2024 - Doctor Virtualis 19:351-368.
    Questo saggio si concentra sul tema dell’ordine dell’anima ( _ ordo animae _ ) nell’etica di Alberto Magno (1200 ca.-1280). Ispirandosi a varie _ sententiae _ bibliche e integrandole con la fondamentale idea dell’ _ Etica Nicomachea _ di Aristotele per cui il fine della filosofia morale è diventare buoni ( _ ut boni fiamus _ ), Alberto concepisce l’etica non come mero “discorso filosofico”, per prendere a prestito un’etichetta da Pierre Hadot, ma come un’attività la cui preoccupazione primaria è (...)
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    The Impact of Emissions Reduction Awareness on Moral Self-Concept: Sustaining Climate-Friendly Behaviour in the Aftermath of the Covid-19 Pandemic.Aitor Marcos, Patrick Hartmann & Jose M. Barrutia - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (3):337-370.
    Communication campaigns often highlight environmental progress to encourage further pro-environmental behaviour. Consequently, the drop in carbon emissions caused by the COVID-19 restrictions has been framed as a positive environmental outcome of the pandemic. We conducted an experimental study with a US-representative sample (N = 500) to show that raising awareness of emissions reduction has the contrary effect: an increase in moral self-concept facilitated a negative spillover, namely, it reduced climate-friendly behavioural intentions. Normative influence was able to prevent this negative spillover (...)
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    A Dialética Negativa da Moralidade e a Resolução Especulativa da Contradição da Consciência Moral Moderna.Marcos Lutz Müller - 1996 - Discurso 27 (1):83-116.
    Neste artigo, mostramos que a apresentação da constituição da consciência moral moderna, em Hegel, resultante da reformulação dialético-especulativa da autonomia moral kantiana, é essencialmente crítica e se condensa numa "dialética negativa".
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    Territories and carvings. Narratives of cultural and national identity of the mapuche people.Mabel García Barrera - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:191-208.
    Resumen: La impronta colonial en el pueblo mapuche llevó a gran parte de sus producciones culturales al borde de la extinción; una de ellas es el tallado monumental en madera, vinculado a procesos ceremoniales en la cultura ancestral. No obstante, desde la década de los noventa, este reaparece junto con los procesos de recuperación y fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural, y adquiere una rápida expansión en el antiguo territorio mapuche dinamizando la frontera política y cultural de este pueblo bajo dos (...)
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    Territorios y tallados. Narrativas de identidad cultural y nacional del pueblo mapuche.Mabel García Barrera - 2021 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 2 (53):191-208.
    La impronta colonial en el pueblo mapuche llevó a gran parte de sus producciones culturales al borde de la extinción; una de ellas es el tallado monumental en madera, vinculado a procesos ceremoniales en la cultura ancestral. No obstante, desde la década de los noventa, este reaparece junto con los procesos de recuperación y fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural, y adquiere una rápida expansión en el antiguo territorio mapuche dinamizando la frontera política y cultural de este pueblo bajo dos vertientes, (...)
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    The Concept of “Revolution”: Analytical Epistemic-Moral Nuances in the Post-Complexity Age.Marco Ettore Grasso - 2024 - Open Journal of Philosophy 14 (4):745-789.
    We live in a society we may often perceive as unfair and oppressive. When political and social oppression becomes suffocating, rebellion against such oppression emerges as the sole viable course of action. An oppressed social climate harbors feelings that could lead to revolutionary fervor. This work intends to deal with the topic of revolution, in line with predominantly theoretical-moral connotations, tending towards social ethics. Drawing on a phenomenological analysis of revolution, this work endeavors to delineate the form of justice that (...)
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    Risorgimento come rivoluzione morale: ideologie e culture politiche.Marco Majone - 2012 - Roma: EDUP.
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    A Moral Analysis of Carbon Majors’ Role in Climate Change.Marco Grasso & Katia Vladimirova - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (2):175-195.
    Two-thirds of global industrial greenhouse gas emissions over the past two centuries can be traced to the activities of a handful of companies (‘carbon majors'). Based on their direct contribution to climate change in terms of carbon emissions and on a number of morally relevant facts, this article proposes a normative framework to establish the responsibilities that carbon majors have in relation to climate change. Then, the analysis articulates these responsibilities in the form of two duties: a duty of decarbonisation (...)
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    Moral Judgments, Cognitivism and the Dispositional Nature of Belief: Why Moral Peer Intransigence is Intelligible.John Eriksson & Marco Tiozzo - 2021 - Philosophia 49 (4):1753-1766.
    Richard Rowland has recently argued that considerations based on moral disagreement between epistemic peers give us reason to think that cognitivism about moral judgments, i.e., the thesis that moral judgments are beliefs, is false. The novelty of Rowland’s argument is to tweak the problem descriptively, i.e., not focusing on what one ought to do, but on what disputants actually do in the light of peer disagreement. The basic idea is that moral peer disagreement is intelligible. However, if moral judgments were (...)
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    Historical Moral Responsibility and Manipulation via Deletion.Gabriel De Marco - 2021 - Erkenntnis (4):1-18.
    In discussions on moral responsibility for actions, a commonly discussed case is one in which an agent is manipulated into performing some action. On some views, such agents lack responsibility for those actions partly because they issue from attitudes that were acquired in an inappropriate way. In this paper, it is argued that such views are in need of revision. After introducing a new problematic case of a manipulated agent, revisions are offered for specific views. The paper concludes with a (...)
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